2006/07 Key Tax Changes
2006/07 Key Tax Changes
End of financial year tax help & tax tips - 2006/07 key tax changes
Income tax cuts from 1 July 2007. 30% tax rate will start from $30,001. A second round of tax cuts will flow to higher income earners on more than $75,000 in following year.
The Low Income Tax Offset increase from $600 to $750 from July 1. This will phase out once people earn more than $30,000.
The Tax Office will introduce Pre- Populated E-returns to simplify income tax returns. Details of salaries, interest, dividends, health insurance and welfare payments will be pre-prepared. Tax payers will still have to make manual claims for tax deductions or more complicated affairs.
The GST Registration threshold for small business will be increased to $75,000.
A 30% tax rebate for child care expenses will be paid shortly after the financial year. Previously you had to wait two years to receive rebate.
One-off doubling of superannuation co-contribution for those who claimed it in 2005/06 financial year.
Until 30 June 2007, after tax superannuation contributions of as much as $1 million can be made.
From 1 July 2007, tax free super benefits/withdrawals for superannuation fund members turning 60.
JH Business Services & Taxation
Accounting | Business Advisory | Tax Services
Specialist in small to medium business
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NSW 2153
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