Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages and disadvantages of each business structures
Being in business, it is very important to choose the correct business structure. There are 4 main types of business structures commonly used by small business. Here are the brief outlines of advantages and disadvantages each business structures.
There are many things that must be considered when deciding what is the best tax and investment structure. Reducing tax is one of priority but you also need to consider other factors such as asset protection and flexibilities.
If your current business structure has outgrown your requirements, you will need to consider upgrading to more suitable business structure.
Sole Trader business structure – is an individual who is trading on their own
Full control
Low cost and easy to set up
Personally fully liable
High income earners will pay top marginal rate
Partnership business structure – For tax purpose, association of persons or entities that carry on business as partners or receive income jointly
Full control
Low cost and easy to set up
Partnership dissolves when one of partners exits or dies
Partners fully liable
Trust business structure – is an obligation on a person to hold property for the benefit of others
Protect assets for beneficiaries
Distribute trust income to beneficiaries
Tax effective
High cost setting up
Company business structure – a legal entity separate from its shareholders
Limited liability
Company tax rate is 30%
High cost setting up and ongoing compliances
Annual fees to ASIC
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