Company Registered Office

Company Registered Office

The company’s registered office and principal place of business must be a physical address in Australia. If notices are served to the company, they will be delivered in person, or by post to the physical address. It cannot be a Post Office address.

The Registered Office is the address which is registered with ASIC as the official address of a company. Generally it will form part of the public record. It does not have to be where the organisation conducts its business and it is usual practice for accountants or registered agents to provide registered office services.

What are the requirements of a registered office?

The registered office of a company must be open:

A representative of the company must be present at all times when the office is open.

If your registered office does not comply, then JH Business Services & Taxation can offer this service on your behalf for an annual fee of $120.

JH Business Services & Taxation is a registered agent for ASIC. We hold your company register and attend to the: -