2007/08 Key Tax Changes
2007/08 Key Tax Changes
End of financial year tax help & tax tips - 2007/08 key tax changes
From July 1, marginal tax rates will be cut, with the top rate of 46.5% (including the Medicare Levy) applying only to income exceeding $180,000. More importantly, the threshold at which the 31.5% marginal rate cuts in is being lifted from $30,001 to $34,001.
The Low Income Tax Offset increase from $750 to $1,200 from July 1. This means you won’t pay any tax until income exceeds $14,000.
Medicare Levy Surcharge – singles earning up to $100,000 and couples earning up to $150,000 should rethink whether they need private health insurance.
FBT needs to be reviewed for anyone moving into lower tax rate as FBT is levied at the highest marginal rate of 46.5%.
Personal superannuation contributions changes – There is no limit on the amount of the deduction as the age-based limits which applied in pre-2007/08 years has been abolished.
Concessional contributions such as salary sacrifice, compulsory super and personal tax-deductible contributions are now limited to $50,000 a year, though a $100,000 transitional limit applies until 2012 for those aged 50 or more.
Means tests – From July 1 next year, salary sacrificed into super and net losses on rental property and financial investments will be included in the mean tests for a range of Government benefits.
Introduction of first home saver’s account. Available from October 1, will provide a 17% government co-contribution for the first $5,000 saved each year.
Children under 18 to receive more “unearned income” – such as investment or trust distributions. From July 1, the effective tax-free threshold on this income will rise from $1,666 to $2,666.
Lifting the child-care tax rebate from 30% to 50%.
Child care rebate is no longer paid through tax system but is instead separately calculated and paid by the Family Assistance Office.
Introduction of a 50% refundable tax offset for eligible education expenses for school children. The maximum refund will be $750 a year for each primary school children and $1,500 for each child in secondary school. Parents will need to start keeping receipts to get the refund.
The rule on family trusts will be tightened from July 1, to restrict the number of people you can include as family when making a family trust election. Under the new rules, “family” will include only children or grandchildren of the test individual or the spouse, and a trust will no longer be able to make a one-off variation to the test individual, except in the case of marriage breakdown.
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