How to Set-up Company

How to set-up a Proprietary Company

  1. Decide on the name you want to call the company. You can reserved with ASIC with a Form 410. If you want upgrade from a sole trader business name you are currently using, you can use the name as long as you own the business name. You can simply add PTY LTD on the existing name.

  2. You need to provide the name and CAN/ARBN/ABN if your company has an ultimate holding company

  3. Full address of the Company’s registered office and also its Principal Place of Business

  4. The name, occupation, birth details (city, country and date of birth) and address of Director, Secretary and Public Officer

  5. Directors - Proprietary companies must have at least one director of which at least one must be an Australia resident director.

  6. Secretaries - There is no company secretarial requirement for proprietary companies (if there is no company secretary, then the directors assume the CA responsibilities of a company secretary).

  7. Decide each on each officer’s shareholding details – class, number and price per share

  8. Decide on one vote per member, or one vote per fully paid share

  9. Decide whether if a shareholder is selling shares they first have to offer the shares to other shareholders

  10. Decide whether if the company is issuing shares they first has to offer the shares to other shareholders