2018-19 Tax Rates
Individual Rates from 1 July 2019 –30 June 2020.
Taxable income Per cent
$0 - $18,200 Nil
$18,200 - $37,000 19.0%
$37,001 - $90,000 32.5%
$90,001 - $180,000 37.0%
>$180,001 45.0%
Individual Rates from 1 July 2018 –30 June 2019.
Taxable income Per cent
$0 - $18,200 Nil
$18,201 - $37,000 19.0%
$37,001 - $90,000 32.5%
$90,001 - $180,000 37.0%
>$180,001 45.0%
Other Rates
Company Rates 27.5%*
Complying super 15%
Non-complying super 45%
FBT 47%
SGC 9.50%
*Base rate entity company tax rate-For company annual turnover less than $25 million.
Government co-contributions – Maximum $500
The government will contribute $0.50 for each dollar contributed up to maximum co-contribution of $1,000 for at or below the lower income threshold.
Lower income threshold $37,697
Higher income threshold $52,697
HELP, TSL, SSL Repayment Rates & Thresholds
Below $51,956 Nil
$51,956-$57,729 2.0%
$57,730-$64,306 4.0%
$64,307-$70,881 4.5%
$70,882-$74,607 5.0%
$74,608-$80,197 5.5%
$80,198-$86,855 6.0%
$86,856-$91,425 6.5%
$91,426-$100,613 7.0%
$100,614-$107,213 7.5%
$107,214 and above 8.0%
Superannuation contributions
Concessional contributions cap – All Ages
Income year Cap amount
2018/19 $25,000
2019/20 $25,000
Non-concessional contributions cap
2018/19 $100,000
2019/20 $100,000
Unused concessional cap carry forward
From 1 July 2018 if you have a total superannuation balance of less than $500,000 on 30 June of the previous financial year, you may be entitled to contribute more than the general concessional contributions cap and make additional concessional contributions for any unused amounts.
The first year you will be entitled to carry forward unused amounts is the 2019–20 financial year. Unused amounts are available for a maximum of five years, and after this period will expire.
CGT cap amount
2018/19 $1.480m
2019/20 $1.515m
Super Preservation Age
Date of birth Preservation age
Before 1/7/60 55
1/7/60 - 30/6/61 56
1/7/61 - 30/6/62 57
1/7/62 - 30/6/63 58
1/7/63 - 30/6/64 59
From 1/7/64 60
Minimum annual payments for super income stream
Under 65 4%
65-74 5%
75-79 6%
80-84 7%
85-89 9%
90-94 11%
95 or more 14%